The Communication Process

Module: 10
Reported by: Lieni Immarie R. Monteron
Sources: 1.Efective Speech Communication in Various Situation by                                                             Judy Imelda L. Igoy and Apolinario S. Saymo 
                 2. Responsible Speech Communication by Norma D. Martinez              


At the end of this module, the learners are expected to;
  • Name and explain the functions of communication;
  • Recognize and analyze four levels of communication;
  • State the different stages in communication.

Types and Level of Communication Process

            Intrapersonal communication happens when a person talks to oneself or himself’ mentally to process information being received. It is the way in which individual process information based on their own life experiences.

             Interpersonal communication, a second level, takes place primarily when two people are involved in the process.

            Group communication, a third level, involves three to six persons, usually engaged in face-to-face interaction, actively working together toward a common goal. Groups are formed usually because the combined efforts of a number of people result in greater output than the individual efforts of the same number of people.
             Public communication, a fourth level, requires an individual to deliver an informative, persuasive, or special occasion massage in front of a group. This is also a mass communication which represents those situations when we communicate via some electronic device. The mass media are television, radio, motion pictures, newspapers, magazines, books and billboards. Mass communication is directed toward a relatively large heterogeneous and anonymous audience.

            The speech communication process begins with the formulation of an idea by the speaker. He then encodes ideas into language to be transmitted through audible and visible symbols to the receiver. As the receiver receives the message, he decodes them and may physically or verbally respond to the speaker. The process of communication involves several stages. They are:

1st stage: Thinking
This stage starts with the birth of an idea of the speaker. The speaker should know what he wants to convey to his audience, otherwise he will be confused and will become the laughing stock of the audience.

2nd stage: Symbolizing
In this stage, the speaker is now ready to share to his audience orally through the use of words. The words should be appropriate for the idea to be clearly understood by the listeners. Mastery of the language is necessary. The speaker should know how to give his thoughts and feeling in an effective way. He should select terms that can be understood easily by the audience.

3rd stage: Expressing
The speaker is now ready to his ideas in an audible speech using appropriate gestures. Clean, good voice and physical delivery is must in speaking.

4th stage: Transmitting
The ideas and feelings are transmitted into the ears of the listeners. The surroundings must be conducive for the audience.

5th stage: Receiving

As the sound waves that carry the ideas of the speaker reach the ears of the listeners, a series of movements takes place. Neural impulses are sent to the brain. Defects of the ears and eyes cause faulty reception.

6th stage: Decoding
This stage will lead the listeners to understand what the speaker wants to convey. Understanding takes place only upon receiving the ideas of the speaker through the voice with supplementary gestures. These voices and gestures facilitate the comprehension of the listener.

7th stage: Reaction or “Feedback”

It is normal situation to see listeners giving responses to what was heard from the speakers. Reactions may be, applause, boredom, hissing, yawn, and doubtful look and so on.

8th stage: Monitoring

The speaker should be sensitive in giving the needs of his audience. It is through monitoring that the speaker determines if comprehension takes place.
      Below  is a chart of communication process

Guide Questions:
  1. Enumerate all the stages in communication process.
  2. In what stage that the ideas and feelings are transmitted into the ears of the listeners?
  3. It is the starts of formation of the ideas into the speakers mind.
  4. This stage where the listeners give them responses.
  5. It is the formulation of an idea by the speaker.
  6. This stage should not be disregarded because it is only in this stage that the speaker determines if comprehension takes place.
  7. This stage lead the listeners to understand what the speaker wants to convey.


AsHwi said...

this piece of information has been really very helpful!

Unknown said...

Thank you for these info. Great help for my homework :))

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