Constructivist Theory: Acquiring Knowledge

     Constructivist theory is an active process where learners can acquire and construct new ideas or concepts based on their past or current knowledge and experiences. This simply means that, constructivist theory, is a construction of a new knowledge by the help of past knowledge, experience or information in where the learner can come up with a new discovery of information to be used. This theory is a student-centered theory. Because the student has the freedom to choose whatever way they can learn, that finds his/her interest just to cope with the subject or topic.

    So, I agree that the constructivist theory is based on the past experiences of the students. The Principle of Integration may justify this theory. In the Principle of Integration, the student can able to combine his experiences together in meaningful patterns of understanding and application. So, by relating to past experiences, the learners can make a new idea or concept with his/her own discovery. And the Principle of Discovery comes in also in this theory, the students, at the thought of being able to discover by their selves the solution to the problems related to their topics assignments.

   By his means, it is true that constructivist theory is all about the past experiences of the learner that combined together to form another new information with their interest.


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