Educational Technology, not Technology, in Teaching

   Nowadays, people are so fun using the high technology that we have in this generation. Some of us use it for fun, entertainment and important purposes. Other people used it righteously but other doesn’t. That’s technology by all means. It has advantages and disadvantages. But by the help of educators specially in school, they guide the students to be educationally literate about these technology, specifically the usage of computers. Educational technology is very important in teaching the learners, for them to be aware and know the correct thing to do.
   The word educational from the word, Educational Technology, simply means that it is not only about the technology itself but also the correct use of it educationally. The student must be computer literate. They must make use of these gadgets in a way that beneficiary for learning or imparting knowledge, like doing a PowerPoint presentation. The student must be exposed to this usage of technology not just all about entertainment and fun.
   So, from the sentence “Educational technology dictates the appropriate pedagogy, not technology to determine the pedagogy used”, is hereby true. It is the educational technology which makes the teaching and learning process effective and convenient not the technology itself alone. Because when it is all about the technology without the correct usage of it, the imparting of knowledge or gaining of information would never be that effective and satisfactory.


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