
Module: 2
Posted by: Lieni Immarie R. Monteron
Sources:  1. A Handbook in Speech and Effective Communication by Milagros Castillo-Espina
               2. Effective Speech Communication in Various Situation by Judy Imelda L. Igoy and Apolinario                         S. Saymo


                   At the end of this module, the readers are expected to:
  • Enumerate all the consonant symbols;
  • Identify the consonants used in the words;
  • Produce the consonant sounds in a word correctly.
              A consonants is sound used before or after a vowel to form a syllable. It is produced with the narrowing of the speech tract and is classified according to the manner of articulation, place of articulation, and the presence or absence of voice.
                            - a sound produced by the partial or complete obstruction of the air column by some parts of speech apparatus such as the lips, tongue and others.

Consonants are classified according to:

  1. Point of articulation
a)     bilabial = lips
b)     labio -  dental = lips and teeth
c)      interdental = between the teeth (with the help of tongue)
d)     alveolar = upper gum ridge
e)     palatal = hard palate
f)        velar = soft palate
g)     glottal = glottis
h)      lengue – dental = tongue and teeth
i)        alvea – palatal = combination of alveolar and palatal

  1. Manner of Articulation
a)     Plosives are categorized by complete stoppage and compression of the breath followed by an explosion or release of the air.
b)     Fricatives are made by forcing the breathing through a partly narrowed passage in the mouth or glottis. Voiceless fricatives give out a friction - like quality while voiced fricatives have less of friction quality.
c)      Affricates are combination of a plosive and a fricative.
d)     Nasals are characterized by nasal tones and by breath flowing through the passage in the nose.
e)     Laterals are produced as breath is released through one or both sides of the tongue.
f)        Glides have the consonants moving from a fixed point then gliding toward the production or position of the vowel.
g)     Retroflex like /r/ is a sound made with tongue tip pointing upward and backward.

  1. Voicing – Not all consonants are voiced. Voiced consonants are produce by exhaling breath and causing the vocal cords in the larynx to vibrate strongly to produce vocal tones. Voiceless consonants have no such vibration.

  1. Duration
a.)   Continuants – consonants are prolonged indefinitely on one.
b.)   Stops – breath streams is stopped or block, thus, breath giving a limited duration.

Table of English Consonants

/p/- Bring your lips together, closing them tightly and quick ling releasing the built up pressure through the mouth without vibrating the vocal cords. In initial positions as in pet and when followed by a stressed vowel as in repeat, /p/ is aspirated. The released is accomplished by a puff of air. There is no aspiration when /p/ comes after /s/ as in spend and in medial unstressed position as in happy. In final position it may or may not be aspirated.

Word Drill
Initial                         Medial                       Final
Pell                           supper                       hop
Pull                           pauper                       lap
Pack                        appear                       tap
Pan                          taper                          tip
Pave                        people                       clip

/b/- Like /p/, it is produced by closing the lips firmly, through with lesser pressure and the release of breath is accompanied by vibration of the vocal cords. There is the absence of aspiration even in the initial position.

Word Drill
Initial                    Medial                    Final
Boon                    tribute                    mob
Bunch                  somebody             disrobe
Bet                      sob                          lab
Ban                     sabre                      rib
Bone                   habit                       curb

/t/- The tongue is raised so that the tip presses against the alveolar (upper grum) ridge and sides touch the upper bicuspids. The soft palate is raised to prevent the breath from going out through the nose. When the release comes to complete the sound, / t /  is accompanied by a puff of air, /t/ is aspirated in initial positions and in stressed syllables followed by vowels.

Word Drill
Initial                     Medial                      Final
Tin                        utter                           built
Tie                        bitter                          trait
Team                    matter                      late

/d/ -/t/ and /d/ have the same manner of articulation except that /d/ is voiced and not aspirated.

Word Drill
Initial                   Medial                       Final
Dame                 adorn                         said
Dine                   cuddle                        tend
Day                    ladder                        weed
Dear                  redeem                     mend

/k/- There is a pressing against the velum blocking the oral passage of the outgoing breath. This sound is completed only upon release of the built up pressure and without vibration of the vocal cords. Cot and become are aspirated while wicked and bake are not. Other voiceless stops /p/, /t/ and /k/ are aspirated in the beginning of stressed syllables, but not aspirated after initial /s/ in the middle and end of the words.

Word Drill
Initial                     Medial                    Final
Came                   become                 sock
Kin                        laxity                       buck
Cop                      clicker                    wax
Cup                       lacquer                  track

/g/- It differs from /k/ in two aspects: the presence voice and the absence of aspiration.

Word Drill
Initial                     Medial                   Final
Greed                   angel                      beg
Glide                     signal                     stag
Guard                   vanguard               fatigue
Gap                       meager                  drag
Game                   digger                     mug

/v/- like /f/, it is produced by placing the lower lip very tightly against the upper teeth and blowing through them with an accompanying vibration of the vocal cords.

Word Drill
Initial                     Medial                   Final
Vulgar                   proven                   alive
Vowel                   shaved                  love
Value                    review                   dove
Vote                      carving                  receive

/θ/- the tip of the tongue slightly touches the upper teeth until a fricative quality of sound is produced.

Word Drill
Initial                      Medial                   Final
Think                     method                  north
Thin                       pathology              south
Thank                    rhythmic                 myth
Theory                   cathedral               tooth

/ð/- this sound is produced the same as /θ/ except for the vibration of the vocal cords for /ð/.

Word Drill
Initial                       Medial                  Final
Thus                       southern                bath
Those                     feather                  breath
Then                       another                 sooth

/r/- this is the absence of thrill because there is no tongue upward and away for alveolar ridge.

Word Drill
Initial                       Medial                   Final
Run                         sorry                      fire
Round                    brow                      wear
Rain                       grain                      howler
Rap                        brake                     bowler
Rail                        drizzle                    ear

/s/- the tip of the tongue is raised toward the alveolar ridge without touching it and the sides are pressed firmly against the inner surface of the upper bicuspids. The tongue is slightly grooved and the air is forced along the narrow package toward the lower edge of the upper front teeth without vibration of the vocal cords.

Word Drill
Initial                        Medial                   Final
Sea                         escape                  cross
Sue                          fussy                      mess
Sit                            lasses                    hiss
Sale                         asset                     gas

/ʃ/- the top of the tongue is a little lower than for /s/ but the blade is close to the back of the alveolar ridge. The air stream is directed toward the alveolar ridge rather than the teeth, producing a voiceless fricative.

Word Drill
Initial                         Medial                   Final
Shoes                      cushion                  cash
Shell                         machine                 wash
Shame                     passion                  fish

/z/- the sounds /s/ and /z/ use the same articulations and points of articulation. The difference lies in /z/ being voice and less tense than /s/. when producing the sound, vibrate your vocal cords as you force the air out through the narrow oral passage.

Word Drill
Initial                         Medial                    Final
Zest                          music                      rose
Zero                         hazard                     quiz
Zip                            reason                    chose
Zeal                         dozen                       was

//- except for the vibration of the vocal cords, the sound  /dʒ/ is produced in the same manner as its voiceless counterpart //.

Word Drill
Initial                         Medial                     Final
Genre                       vision                       beige
Gendarme               casual                      garage
Jabot                        treasure                   prestige

/h/- the sound is produced with no fixed articulator and point of articulation. It is just a stream of air made audible by a slight constriction of the vocal cords in the larynx. The vowel immediately following actually determines the position assumed by the lips and the tongue.

Word Drill
Initial                         Medial
Hobby                      behave
Heat                         behold
Hail                          coherence

/m/- the sound /m/ and /b/ use the same articulator and point of articulation the lips. The soft palate or velum is lowered so that the air is continuously released through the nose.

Word Drill
Initial                         Medial                        Final
Man                          summer                      calm
Made                       compare                     home
Meal                        simple                         bottom
Much                        command                  custom

/n/- like the sound of /m/, /n/ uses the same articulator as another voiced stop. The tip of the tongue and alveolar ridge are used the articulator and point of articulation, respectively. This sound is nasal.

Word Drill
Initial                          Medial                       Final
Net                             know                         cane
Now                           anthem                      sign
None                          banner                      prone
Nest                           cannon                      train

/ŋ/- this sound is nasal which has the same articulator and point of the articulation as a voiced stop. It does not occur in initial position.

Word Drill
Initial                           Final
Bank                           banking
Thing                           aching
Sink                             thing
Punk                            meringue

/l/ -the tip of the tongue is placed against the alveolar ridge. The sides of the tongue are lowered to allow the vocalized breath to escape over them, producing the lateral sound. This variety of voiced consonant and a following vowel. When the back of the tongue is raised toward the velum, the resulting sound is the called “dark 1”. These are found after vowels.

Word Drill
Initial                         Medial                     Final
Lamb                        dweller                     tell
Lap                           blade                       vocal
Loam                        spelling                    comical

/hw/- it is a glide produced by moving the tongue from an initial position to the position for the next sound. This sound produced with a puff of air but without of the vocal cords. /hw/ is spelled wh in initial and medical positions as in while and meanwhile. It is spelled w following t and s as in twine and swine. It may also be preceded by u after _ as in quick.

Word Drill
Initial                         Medial
Where                      anywhere
While                       cartwheel
Whip                        somewhere
Whistle                    a while

/w/- this sound is a glide produced by moving the tongue from an initial position to the position for the sound which immediately follows. The sound is made by rounding the lips as for /u/ and raising the back of the tongue toward the soft palate while the vocal cords vibrate.

Word Drill
Initial                         Medial
Weal                         liquid
Won                          inquire
Wear                        beware
Wound                     awake
Wait                          away

/j/- the front of the tongue is raised close to the alveolar ridge without touching it. From that initial position, the tongue glides into the position of the /j/ of the words you and union /j/, /ju/ and /^njen/. One rare spelling of j- as in hallelujah-/j/ is generally spelled y as in yet and i as in union.

Word Drill
Initial                          Final
Eurasia                     few
Euphoria                   new
Europe                      cue

//- this sound starts as stop and ends in fricative. to produced the sound, place the tip of the tongue against the upper gum ridge as in the initial position for /t/. then switch immediately to the tongue position for /s/ at the same time forcing the air out so that only a simple sound is heard.

Word Drill
Initial                      Medial                   Final
Cheat                     mixture                  march
Chirp                      texture                   much
Chart                      pasture                  such
Chain                     capture                  touch

// -this sound is pronounced exactly the way as /s/ with the exception of voicing.

Word Drill
Initial                       Medial                   Final
Jet                           region                   sponge
Jam                         legion                   wedge
Gentle                     urgent                    large

Guide Questions:

         Transcribe the following words:
                              Ex. Chain- /en/

  1. Large                                  11.) sea
  2. Think                                   12.) theme
  3. Won                                    13.) value
  4. Loop                                  14.) game
  5. Punk                                  15.) beg
  6. Zero                                   16.) another
  7. Net                                     17.) this
  8. No                                     18.) vowel
  9. Rose                                  19.) pell
  10. Shame                              20.) lab


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